Community Heritage Grants 2025 - Repeat

This is a preview of the 2025 Round Community Heritage Grants Application (Repeat) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


The Community Heritage Grants program has three funding stages:

  1. Significance Assessment
  2. Preservation Needs Assessment
  3. Conservation and collection management activities

This application is available for organisations who have completed a CHG stage (either a significance assessment or preservation needs assessment) in the past five years (since 2020) and are now applying for the next stage (for example, a group completed a preservation needs assessment in 2022 and is now applying for conservation and collection management activities). 

Applicants are still required to provide information on their collection and demonstrate the national significance of their collection.  However, if there have been no major changes, applicants can draw upon and summarise the information from their previous application.  If there have been significant changes to the collection or new information relating to the significance of their collection, this must be documented in the application.

Please contact the CHG Program Team via email if you need to update the SmartyGrants user login in order to access previous applications. Applicants who regularly use SmartyGrants (for CHG or other grant programs) may also consider establishing a Smartyfile account.